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Status Page
Thu Mar 13 2025 @ 5:06AM ADT
This page offers information for Dalhousie services. Check back here any time to view the current status of the services listed below. For all other information or to report a problem, please contact the ITS Service Desk (902-494-4357) or toll-free (1-800-869-3931)..
O365 - Email/Outlook
2025-02-21 Status Description
08:55 AM Disruption EXCHANGE NOTICE
Some users' calendars may not be synced with delegates' calendars in Exchange Online
Service Degradation

User impact: Users' calendars may not be synced with delegates' calendars in Exchange Online.
More info: While the service provider works towards resolution, affected delegates can mitigate impact by navigating in the Outlook desktop client to File > Account Settings > their delegate account > More Settings > Advanced and turning off the "Turn on shared calendar improvements" setting. This will revert those delegates to using a shared calendar model utilizing Messaging API (MAPI) components to bypass impact.

Current status: The service provider received reports of an issue in which some users' calendars may not be synced with delegates' calendars in Exchange Online. Their investigation determined that a recent deployment contained a code issue that introduced a compatibility problem that's preventing calendars from syncing as expected. They've reverted the offending deployment and identified an increase in backlog data that's continuously preventing the calendars from syncing. They're further investigating the source of the increase in backlog to identify an efficient remediation plan to restore service functionality.
Root cause: A recent deployment contained a code issue that introduced a compatibility problem that's preventing calendars from syncing as expected.
08:15 AM Disruption EXCHANGE NOTICE
Users' Exchange Online shared calendars between principal and delegates may have been out of sync.
Service Restored

Final status: After monitoring and reviewing our service telemetry, the service provider has confirmed that their deployment successfully completed its release and impact has been remediated.
Scope of impact: Some users serviced by the affected infrastructure whose shared calendars were out of sync may have been impacted by this event.
Start time: Monday, February 10, 2025, at 4:33 PM AST
End time: Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 7:13 PM AST