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Status Page
Sat Jul 27 2024 @ 6:01AM ADT
This page offers information for Dalhousie services. Check back here any time to view the current status of the services listed below. For all other information or to report a problem, please contact the ITS Service Desk (902-494-4357) or toll-free (1-800-869-3931)..
O365 - Teams
2024-07-19 Status Description
09:24 AM Disruption User impact: Users may observe a delay when updating Teams calendar events.
More info: While we focus on remediation, affected users may be able to circumvent the issue by refreshing the application after seeing the error message after the initial failure to update calendar events.
2024-07-17 Status Description
09:15 AM Disruption User impact: Users may see their auto recorded Teams meetings spoken languages set incorrectly.
Current status: We're reviewing service monitoring telemetry to isolate the source of the issue and establish a fix.
Scope of impact: Impact is specific to some users, who are served through the affected infrastructure, attempting to use the auto recorded Teams meetings spoken language feature.
2024-07-16 Status Description
08:46 AM Disruption Some users may be intermittently unable to make Microsoft Teams calls and join Teams meetings

Issue ID: TM814537
Affected services: Microsoft Teams
Status: Service degradation
Issue type: Advisory
Start time: Jul 9, 2024, 2:46 PM ADT

User impact
Users may be intermittently unable to make Microsoft Teams calls and join Teams meetings.

More info
Users may notice intermittent network failures coinciding with this issue. As this issue is intermittent, users may be able to restart their Microsoft Teams client to resolve impact.

Scope of impact
Some users serviced by the affected infrastructure may encounter intermittent failures in calling and joining meetings in Microsoft Teams.

Root cause
A recent update contained a configuration issue in the affected infrastructure, leading to impact.

Current status
Jul 16, 2024, 2:53 AM ADT
We've developed a fix for the underlying configuration issue and aim to confirm a timeline for deployment by the time of our next scheduled update.

Next update by:
Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 3:30 PM ADT
08:45 AM Disruption User impact: Users may be intermittently unable to make Teams calls and join Teams meetings.
More info: Users may notice intermittent network failures coinciding with this issue. As this issue is intermittent, users may be able to restart their Teams client to resolve impact.
Current status: We've identified an abnormally large number of errors originating from a portion of infrastructure that support Teams calling and meeting join functionality. We've determined that a recent update contains a configuration issue, leading to impact. We're developing a fix for the issue to remediate impact.
Scope of impact: Your organization is affected by this event, and users may encounter intermittent failures in calling and joining meetings in Teams.